Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I just want to challenge everyone today to be the best " you " that you can be. I say this as I am sitting in the jury selection room at the courthouse. We sit here looking at this video about the importance of serving on jury duty. Stating that it is a privilege, just not a right. How so many people, especially women and people of color were unable to even provide this service. So I challenge those in the " blog-o-sphere " to stand up for something to make a difference or an impact for you or someone around you. Even if it's as simple as saying, " Good morning " to the person you pass on the street. Volunteer at your kid's school, and come up with some ideas to make improvements instead of always complaining. Take the time to plan a healthy meal for your family, instead of grabbing something on the go. Set the table and ask your kids, " How was your day? ". You would be surprised to what they have learned and seen through the day.

If you haven't had the time to spend with your " Hunnie " lately, plan a romantic night. If money is an issue, plan something at home. Light some candles, uncork a $5 bottle of wine, and cook a sexy meal that will get that person in a sexy mood!

I challenge you today by calling someone that's important in your life to say, " I love you ". You would be thrilled to see what kind of impact you will have on some one's day. Love has a way of doing that to people!

I challenge you to enjoy life today. Regardless of what trials and tribulations you may be going through lately.......Just step back, take a breath and thank God for allowing you to live upon this earth another day. This is your day! I challenge you to claim it and make it great!

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