Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The " U Suck! " Campaign

I have thought long and hard about this and thought it was time to start my official " U Suck!" Campaign. With all the constant calls and confiding from my friends and family bombarding me on a daily basis about the dumb-ass people in their life. These people that are around and only effect them in a negative and in appropriate way. We may have slept with this person, made some babies with them, and for some reason they are still the same idiots they have always been. This person can also be that annoying family member that quite frankly " Ain't worth a shit ", don't have a job, and always free loading from you. These people will be automatically entered into the " U Suck! " Campaign. I will be allowing people to enter names of any " sucky-ass " person who doesn't contribute any thing positive to society, sucks the air out of the room every time they enter, and brings nothing but destruction every time they come through. After you submit the name of your " sucky-ass " person I will put them into the "U Suck! " Campaign database, and send them an official letter from me. The letter will read as follows: Dear ( insert name here ),

You Suck!!!

Sherrian Thecakediva Brown

Please do not hesitate to send me your " sucky-ass " person's address, email address, facebook, myspace, or twitter info to me to get the official " U Suck " Campaign started off right!

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